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Private Membership
A Private Membership Association is men and woman collectively asserting and standing upon their unalienable constitutionally secured perfect rights; their un-delegated/reserved authority; their pre-existing claim to absolute authority and control over the health of their own body, mind and spirit and rights (hereinafter collectively referred to simply as “rights”) developed under the laws of the United States made in pursuance of The Constitution for the United States of America, 1789 CE, as amended and ratified by passage of The Bill of Rights in 1791 (hereinafter referred to as “the Constitution”). People that unanimously agree with the terms, conditions, obligations, provisions, principles and purpose set forth in a contract (hereinafter referred to as the “PMA contract”) and who refuse to apply for or accept any “public” statutory “entity” such as a corporation, LLC, foundation, partnership, social, fraternal, religious or other entity created by any local, municipal, city, county, state, the federal or any international governmental authority lawfully operating in The United States of America (hereinafter collectively referred to as “governmental authority”).
Over 230 years ago “We the People” created several independent compact commonwealths and states which, in turn, created the federal government named:
The United States and the Nation named: The United States of America.
A PMA is created by and exists upon the exact same authority and power that people asserted in The Declaration of Independence of the thirteen united States of America; The Articles of Confederation; The Constitution for the United States of America; The Bill of Rights and, even, in the Laws made in pursuance thereof.
A PMA functions by the members acting as people, in their real character and capacity (rather than acting as commercial/legal/legislative/public “persons”), asserting and standing upon their constitutionally secured rights to freedom of association, speech, the press, to be free from unwarranted searches and seizures, to their individual right to privacy and other rights and authorities not mentioned herein which are all in full force and effect when people knowingly and voluntarily choose to become, as real people, members of a PMA.
A PMA does not need any authority or permission, of any kind whatsoever, from any government for its creation or in order for it to continue to exist and function.
Public Law, Regulations and internal Rules of administrative agencies that regulate the public do not generally reach a PMA because they would impair, impede, obstruct or defeat the PMA members’ ability to discuss, hear, read or speak about, print, obtain and use things which may be prohibited to be disclosed to or used by the public.

Benefits of
Private Membership
1. Enjoy a general immunity to public laws, regulations and internal rules of local, state and federal administrative agencies (including, but not limited to, the FDA) that protect the public health.
Properly set up, what occurs inside a Private Membership Association by and among members is private; generally not subject to any public law, regulation, or agency rule. A PMA is similar to a private family in that what is stated or done inside the family home by, to and among family members is not generally subject to any governmental scrutiny, censorship or control. Just as peoples’ speech is generally immune from governmental restriction; so is the speech and acts of the PMA members and what is published and done by and between PMA members in the PMA;
The above mentioned immunity is not absolute. The single exception is that neither a PMA nor its members may do anything that creates a “clear and present danger that they will bring about substantial evils that Congress has a right to prevent.”
2. Increase your income safely. When you act and communicate with PMA members
you do so privately, each party asserting and standing upon their constitutionally secured
rights to freedom of association, speech, the press; the right to privacy and other rights.
This may afford you a freedom in advertising, marketing and operation of your business that you may never have experienced before. In a PMA, communicating only with PMA members, you are now able to state and publish all the true facts (or at least the true facts that you want to disclose) about what your personal experience, the experience of others, and what verifiable testing has shown that people have experienced using your device, product, procedure or service and what that device, product, procedure or service really offers PMA members. For example, on a PMA’s website, in the “for members only section” publishing testimonials sent to you would not violate the public law named Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Being able to demonstrate, speak and publish the truth about what your device, product, procedure or service will do for people and animals in your advertising and marketing should lead to excitement about your device, product, procedure or service, markedly increase sales volume and afford you greater profit with safety.
3. Greater Peace of Mind is achieved by not having to worry about qualifying for any license from
any licensing administration or board, or having any agency determine how you practice, or censoring
what you can state or publish about your device, product, procedure or service. This frees you of the
time and expense burdens placed upon persons who deal with the public and, thereby, allows
you to react quicker to ever changing markets and be more creative and relaxed in your thinking,
advertising, marketing and in the way you run your business. This also reduces stress.
A PMA is created by and exists upon the exact same authority and power that people asserted in The Declaration of Independence of the thirteen united States of America; The Articles of Confederation; The Constitution for the United States of America; The Bill of Rights and, even, in the Laws made in pursuance thereof.
A PMA functions by the members acting as people, in their real character and capacity (rather than acting as commercial/legal/legislative/public “persons”), asserting and standing upon their constitutionally secured rights to freedom of association, speech, the press, to be free from unwarranted searches and seizures, to their individual right to privacy and other rights and authorities not mentioned herein which are all in full force and effect when people knowingly and voluntarily choose to become, as real people, members of a PMA.
A PMA does not need any authority or permission, of any kind whatsoever, from any government for its creation or in order for it to continue to exist and function.
Public Law, Regulations and internal Rules of administrative agencies.
For more information about Private Membership Associations visit
Please remember that everything found on this site is for educational and informational purposes only.
Nothing contained in these pages should be considered legal or medical advice; birth is not a medical event.