This last October I had the amazing opportunity to spend most of the month absorbing 3 amazing opportunities. Normally my months are quite full with births; however, late into the summer I noticed I didn’t have anyone due in October. Considering I was full the months before and after October, I felt that October was held open for a reason. I started looking into opportunities to the expand my experience. Shortly after, the Indie Birth Advanced Midwifery Workshop was announced. During which, I had been connecting with Dr. Stu Fischbein with Birthing Instincts about shadowing him for a couple weeks. Those two opportunities were quickly arranged. Then just when I thought my month was full enough. Another opportunity came for the Innate Postpartum Training/ Retreat. Of course, I took it.
Here are many of my pictures from October.
Above is my trip to New Mexico for Innate Postpartum Training. We had an amazing time of learning, completed with a sweat lodge and warm springs.
Above is the Indie Birth Advanced Midwifery Skills Workshop with Maryn, Margo, Annika, and Emily as teachers. This was an amazing time with passionate birth sisters.
And last opportunity, but certainly NOT least was training and shadowing Dr. Stu for two weeks. As you can see, I had fun, spoke on my first podcast, and did sight seeing too.
I’m so completely honored to have absorbed these amazing experiences and am still processing all that I have learned. A huge thank you to Rachelle Garcia Seliga, Maryn Green, and Dr. Stu Fischbein who provided amazing insight, experience, and wisdom. Lastly, a huge thank you to Tracy, my husband, for his amazing support, encouragement, and managing the household while I was away.